Subterranean Lava Dragon – The Great Architect (Self-Released)

A progressive death metal act from Reading, PA, Subterranean Lava Dragon merges members from Black Crown Initiate and Minarchist into a new act that seems ripe with premise. After all, both acts provided nothing...

The Dark – Emerging from Shadow

New Los Angeles act The Dark are set to unleash their self-titled debut EP later this month. Their sound is unique, with nods to everything from metalcore to nu metal to '90s industrial, to...

Jinjer – Duél (Napalm)

If one thing can be said for Jinjer, it's that things haven't exactly been easy for the Ukrainian band. They worked and worked to breakthrough, something that didn't happen instantly with the release of...

Chris Harms – 1980 (Napalm)

Frontman for the dark rock/gothic act Lord of the Lost, Chris Harms has been riding high off some earned successes in recent years as his group has gained more attention at the global level....

Lacuna Coil – Digital Empire

Returning for their first new album since 2019's Black Anima, Lacuna Coil are now on the doorstep of releasing follow-up Sleepless Empire. A long-standing act in the modern metal scene, and one that has...

Pathogenic – Crowned in Corpses (Skepsis Records)

Amongst the progressive death metal genre, there's a lot of bland material going around. Much of it on the tech side of things, with bands deciding that the need to out-tech each other outweighs...


Shingeki is a Japanese alt-idol group that formed back in 2017. Featuring no less than 6 vocalists: 3 clean singers, a rapper, a screamer, and a shouter, and 7 "manipulators" it's a massive conglomeration....

Century – Sign of the Storm (Electric Assault Records)

Bursting upon the scene through their 2023 debut album The Conquest of Time, Swedish duo Century have a lot to live up to in their conventional heavy metal ways. Sign of the Storm as...

WarWolf – The Final Battle (Metalapolis Records)

Previously establishing themselves from 1994-2021 as Wolfen, the band would change names and styles a bit resurrecting as WarWolf. They’ve released two albums to date in Necropolis from 2022 and The Apocalyptic Waltz in...

Maceration – Serpent Devourment (Emanzipation Productions)

One of the original acts to play death metal in Denmark, Maceration evolved into more of a groove/hardcore-oriented act by the mid-90s before breaking up. They would return in 2021, releasing their second album...