RandomnessJune 2019 Album of the Month - Howling Sycamore's Seven Pathways to...

June 2019 Album of the Month – Howling Sycamore’s Seven Pathways to Annihilation

Falling well into the realm of a thinking-person’s metal band, Howling Sycamore aren’t the type of band that are going to go the traditional route. From the varied works of the trio of musicians that make up the act, to the songs themselves, you can hear the unique twisting and turning of different influences into something fresh and invigorating. It’s not going to be all digested in one listen either – Seven Pathways to Annihilation is a record to be dissected and thoroughly engaged with to get the maximum exposure out of it. Something that progressive fans will easily be drawn to, but also the mark of an excellent record. An album you need to really listen to yourself in order to fully describe and enjoy.

An excerpt from Matt Coe’s 9/10 review, which posted on June 26, 2019:

An assembly of high caliber metal musicians of diverse genres, Howling Sycamore delivers intriguing progressive metal in relatively quick fashion since their 2016 inception. Their self-titled debut album appeared in early 2018 – and we have the follow-up in Seven Pathways to Annihilation to expand upon the parameters set forth. Davide Tiso handles the guitars/bass, best known for his work in Gospel of the Witches with Karyn Crisis – Hannes Grossmann of Hate Eternal, Alkaloid, and so many other past and present acts in the extreme realm mans the drums, while ex-Watchtower vocalist Jason McMaster rounds out the trio. As one would expect, these seven songs are mind-expansive, multi-layered constructs, designed for intense appreciation while deep dive discoveries assuredly take place through successive playbacks.

Hopefully Howling Sycamore can gain enough acceptance that the possibility of festival dates or small tours could be in the cards – as this is material meant to be explored and absorbed live as well as in the studio. Seven Pathways to Annihilation keeps progressive metal on a forward-thinking, far reaching arc to satisfaction.

Read the entire review HERE.

Howling Sycamore on Facebook