ReviewsThe Crown – Death is Not Dead (Century Media)

The Crown – Death is Not Dead (Century Media)

Long standing death/thrashers The Crown aren’t exactly pushing out the releases anymore (Death is Not Dead is their first in 5 years and second in 10) but maybe that just makes them all the more special. Particularly special this time around is the reunion with vocalist Johan Lindstrand, who has been in/out of the band a few times over the years. That being said, The Crown is usually at their best with Lindstrand at the mic, and Death is Not Dead is no exception.

With a feel (and line-up) more akin to their classic Deathrace King, Death is Not Dead wastes no time getting to full tilt. Death/thrash of the highest order, the short instrumental “Reign” serves to set the mood that “Headhunter” uses to quickly get things moving. The majority of the tracks follow similarly, though a few have a tendency to swerve a bit towards more traditional melodic death metal territory (such as “Ride to Ruin”). Some of the highlights include the appropriately named “Speed Kills (Full Moon Ahead),” the neckbreaking ending of “Herd of Swine,” and the closing mid-tempo thrasher “Godeater.” There is also a pretty killer cover of Paradise Lost’s “Eternal” that The Crown tweaked nicely to make it their own.

While The Crown doesn’t really cover much new ground with Death is Not Dead, it’s a good reminder that they are a force to be reckoned with. Even though the death/thrash genre has become more crowded since The Crown was a more regular part of it, Death is Not Dead is a formidable offering that will certainly appeal to longtime fans and those in need of a good adrenaline rush.

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