Visigoth since their inception in 2010 embody the spirit of classic, traditional/epic heavy metal. From strong iron-forged lyrical content to musical hooks, riffs, and melodies that carry followers of the movement with each successive airing, they prove that the steadfast approach through integrity and passion remains true. Conqueror’s Oath as the pick of the month at Dead Rhetoric will be an album to treasure not just for 2018, but for a lifetime.
An excerpt from Matt Coe’s 9.5/10 review, which posted on February 8, 2018:
It’s always easy to make a solid first impression in heavy metal. The follow-up product however can show a group’s true worth – as they often say you have a lifetime to create those first batch of songs, but a compressed timeframe to see if lightning will strike in a bottle again. That’s the position Visigoth face for Conqueror’s Oath after epic/traditional heavy metal fans took to The Revenant King debut magnificently – allowing for triumphant touring/festival opportunities here and abroad with Night Demon plus appearances at Keep It True, Hellraiser, and Pounding Metal in Germany and Spain.
As stated before in constructing a tighter, shorter album (hitting the 42-minute mark versus the hour plus debut), Conqueror’s Oath will place high on many year end lists- for this is memorable material that uses classic tools to churn out anthems for galvanizing the strength, power, and eternal presence of heavy metal. Put Visigoth near the top of the American epic metal class, brandishing iron to invite all in the grandeur of this genre.
Read the entire review HERE.