NewsTAU CROSS Releases New Album Trailer

TAU CROSS Releases New Album Trailer

TAU CROSS, the band featuring AMEBIX vocalist/bassist Rob “The Baron” Miller, VOIVOD drummer Michel “Away” Langevin, MISERY guitarist Jon Misery and WAR//PLAGUE guitarist Andy Lefton, has released a trailer for their self-titled debut album.

Commented Rob Miller: “The music that evolved over this time is difficult to categorize, as there is clearly a lot of AMEBIX in the songwriting as well as some elements of gothic, JOY DIVISION, PINK FLOYD, BLACK SABBATH, industrial and hard fucking old-school punk rock. This is an entirely original work that is the organic fusion of four unique people.

“We decided to let the songs form themselves around the original demos and allow people to bring themselves into the mix, to allow the bark to grow around the tree. We are all very proud of what we have achieved in this short time and looking forward to working together again as soon as time allows.”

Miller also talked about the band playing live and signing to Relapse: “TAU CROSS will be playing live over the coming year, we hope to tour in the U.S and Europe, it is still early days but I feel this is going to be an intense live experience.

“We were introduced to Relapse through a mutual friend, Brad Boatright at Audioseige Mastering, and were delighted that they stepped up and took this under their wing straight away. We look forward to working with them in the future.”

Track listing:

1. Lazarus
2. Fire In The Sky
3. Stonecracker
4. Midsummer
5. Hangmans Hyll
6. We Control The Fear
7. You People
8. Prison
9. Sons Of The Soil
10. The Lie
11. Our Day
12. The Devil Knows His Own