NewsICED EARTH: "Plagues Of Babylon" Recorded, Mixed, And Mastered

ICED EARTH: “Plagues Of Babylon” Recorded, Mixed, And Mastered

ICED EARTH vocalist/guitarist Jon Schaffer has issued the following update in regards to the band’s upcoming studio album, Plagues Of Babylon:

“We have completed recording, mixing, and mastering for the new album, Plagues Of Babylon. It’s been a long summer, but a very productive one. I am very proud of my band mates! Everyone kicked ass, and we made a really special record.

Now, it’s time try to rest for a few “minutes” before the next chapter of world touring begins.

Best to you all! We will see our European friends on the road with our brothers in VOLBEAT, then the rest of you on the Worldwide Plagues Tour 2014!”