Dead Rhetoric: Where do you view the studio work versus the stage for the band? You’ve recently run a very successful crowdfunding campaign for tour support in the coming year or two – can you explain to the readers some of the challenges you face as a band from Australia attempting to tour the globe?
Presland: We are all very comfortable in both environments. We feel our music comes across stronger on the live stage, however we are comfortable in the studio also. Being in Australia means a lot of distance and isolation from the bigger markets – Europe and USA. 15 – 24 hour flights, which are very expensive, even more so for a 7 piece touring party like ours. If money was no issue, you would see a LOT of Aussie bands making their way to Europe and USA. Unfortunately it is quite hard for us to get over there.
Dead Rhetoric: What do the members like to do in their downtime to recharge their creative batteries so to speak? Any special interests/hobbies that you pursue?
Presland: For me I lead an exceptionally busy lifestyle. I have a full time career as a train driver, which takes me through the interstate frequently. So between music and work, I am on the road a lot. Always in hotels, or commuting on the rail or road. All of the guys are quite busy and hold day jobs as well as our passion in Ne Obliviscaris. It’s safe to say we have no time for anything else in life, but this is our dream and we will continue to move towards our goals. It just means a lot of sacrifice from family, friends and relationships. Outside of music I am into cars and video games, however the video games have taken a big step back in the last year or so, my spare time is running thin!
Dead Rhetoric: What are some of the aspects of life that value most? Are there specific things that you would like to work on/improve upon to make you a better person in the coming 3-5 years?
Presland: Some of the aspects of life I value most, would be first and foremost the opportunity to exist inside this amazing body we all have, and have free will. Not a day goes by where I take this for granted. I also very much value existing in the moment, and the feelings one gets from this. I get this when performing in the live setting. I enjoy being hidden by a drum kit and existing in my own bubble – every moment of hard work you put into your life/instrument is coming out and shared with many other people. For me this is a great feeling. There are many things I would like to improve as a person, right now I am on another health kick. So cardio and cutting out the foods my body does not need. It’s quite simple, but it works for me. I would also like to work more on my patience, the effect my positivity can have on others, and of course my drumming and creative outlets. The personal development won’t end for me in the next few years, I am sure I will take this to my last breath. I really see no point in living and having this amazing consciousness and body if you do not utilize it. Whether this is setting goals for yourself, having hobbies or just making yourself a better person with each day.
Dead Rhetoric: Are you satisfied with where Ne Obliviscaris is at for this point in your career? Do you feel that you are assembling a strong team of supporters from record label and management to promoters, booking agents, and behind the scenes people to make this possibly a full-time endeavor?
Presland: I am generally never satisfied. I set extremely high goals for myself always. We are slowly getting a team behind us to make more of an impact around the globe. Right now making this our bread and butter is not possible, however with positive direction and focus, who knows where this will take us. It certainly is a goal of ours, so we will continue to work hard and remain positive, and see where this takes us.
Dead Rhetoric: What are your five all-time favorite albums that you could not live without, and what’s your best concert memory purely from a fan/spectator perspective?
Presland: This is a really hard question. I always struggle with my top lists. I always generally answer with Tool – Aenima, Tool – Lateralus – but right now The Contortionist – Language is really doing things for me. Awesome album. Of course the classics like Strapping Young Lad – City, and I am a big fan of Michael Jackson. Thriller is an amazing record.
Dead Rhetoric: Have family members given support and encouragement through the years about your Ne Obliviscaris endeavors?
Presland: Yeah definitely. It takes a lot of sacrifice on their end to help us make this happen, and we are all very grateful for it. The band can cause a lot of tension or stress on relationships with our girlfriends, friends and family. It is extremely hard to manage everything. Without the support of the people around us, it would make everything 100% more difficult.
Dead Rhetoric: Finally, what does the rest of 2014 and early part of 2015 look like for the band? Have you started mapping out countries to tour – and will it be opening slot situations or mixing in a few headline spots?
Presland: We are winding down toward Christmas with some time off, we are finishing up all the orders of our crowd funding campaign, and trying to find some time to relax, as 2015 is going to be very busy for us. We will be playing the Soundwave festival early next year, and shortly after we begin our treks to Asia and Europe. We will be mixing festivals, headline club shows and support shows all throughout next year. Thanks a lot for the interview opportunity, and talk soon!