NewsBand You May Have Missed: Oak Pantheon

Band You May Have Missed: Oak Pantheon

Oak Pantheon is melancholic black/folk metal band that will surely be of interest to any fans of Agalloch. Their first full-length effort, From a Whisper, was released in 2012 and works as a fluid mesh of lush acoustic sections with melodic, atmospheric black metal and just a smidge of post-rock. Most songs are quite long (ranging from six to ten minutes), giving the music an Opeth-ian level of grandeur and scope. A perfect soundtrack to those snowy days of winter some of us are experiencing at the moment.

Much of their discography is available at a “name your price” download at their Bandcamp website, listed below.

Oak Pantheon – “Descend into Winter”

Oak Pantheon Facebook
Oak Pantheon Bandcamp