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Evergrey – Working Through the Silence

...h level, when it comes to being a musician? Ekdahl: For me, its been mentally and emotionally that I’ve felt that I’ve grown over the years. I guess it’s a sign of getting older, you learn more, and you get more experience. I’ve been listening to a lot of books on mental health, audio books. How to develop your mental abilities. That has helped a lot. I’ve started meditating, that helps a lot too. A great way to get away from all the noises in you...

Mana Diagram – Light of the Destiny (Self-Released)

...re traditional power metal. When you hear the soaring riffs and Uyu’s equally soaring vocals in a song like “Jump Again!!” there’s no mistaking the power metal influences inside the band’s dynamic. But the crunchier, modern guitar sound, a more prominent bass from Yusuke, and the use of more electronic elements give Mana Diagram a delicate balance of sonic influence that widens their appeal. Said track includes some tantalizing rock attitude riffs...

200 Stab Wounds – Slicing Through the Pack

...taking out bands like us. We pretty much owe everything to bands like Soulfly, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, all those bands taking us out in the first place. No one would even know about us if those bands hadn’t been willing to take us out on tour. Dead Rhetoric: What do you consider three essential death metal albums in your collection – plus what would you consider an underrated album or two that you believe people need to dig deeper...

Adelon – Resurgence (Self-Released)

...ns, listeners can hear a vibrancy to the aggression, the intricacy tastefully delivered next to some wild, calmer twists to keep each song distinctive while dynamically engaging through subsequent, deeper playbacks. Stunted, staccato-driven riffs for instance that penetrate the final musical passages for “Crimson Luminescence” can change in the next song with this branch-off sequence of progressive mid-tempo runs with growls / cyber-enhanced voici...

Withering Surface – A Scathing Exit Plan

...xt twelve months or so? Is there anything you’d like to accomplish personally and professionally to check off your bucket list in the coming years? Tvedebrink: Bucket list – ever since the first album we’ve had our albums licensed to the Japanese market. They have been with us from the beginning, so we would like to go to Japan. Now we are actually going to play three gigs there, and that is just awesome. When you are an amateur band, you don’t ge...

Raise a Suilen – Savage (Bushiroad)

...into some barreling, uptempo rock riffing as Raychell’s vocals sit playfully atop some incredibly melodic guitar leads. Then DJ Risa Tsumugi injects some rap-influenced beats atop her high-pitched rapid-fire vocals and some drum battery before a more melodic yet driving chorus settles in. Guitar hero riffing and lead work dominates the track through the verses, and comes across as incredibly hook-y. To add more fuel to the fire, the song delivers...

Mythologik – Wading in Purgatorium

...d by what it was. I have a lot of themes floating through my head, especially with the lyrics. Paradise Lost, I liked the theme of that book. When you are raised Roman Catholic, everything is no, no, no, life should be pain, and you are guilty of everything. It’s nice to read something that’s from Lucifer’s point of view. If you read the Biblical side of things, and then you read this, you get a broader picture. It’s nice to keep an open mind. Dea...

Ulcerate – Cutting the Throat of God (Debemur Morti Productions)

...e winding journey. Cutting the Throat of God has a dreary beauty buried deep within its recesses, whilst penetrating the psyche of anyone who fully embraces this profoundly complex record. Ulcerate on Facebook...

Hagane – Life Goes On (Euclid Agency)

Shredding Japanese power metal act Hagane took a bit of a hit last year when vocalist Uyu, guitarist Mayto, and drummer Kanako left the band (Uyu and Mayto went on to form Mana Diagram thereafter). But earlier this year, it was announced that Hagane was soldiering on, with a new vocalist in Nagi and drummer Juuna, as a four-piece. Life Goes On is the first taste of new material since, and it bodes well for the band’s future. Comprised of five son...