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Supermodel Taxidermy – At What Cost (Punishment 18 Records)

...ng of the old school variety. Those who love odes to the audience, especially the female contingency will dig “Lipstick”, while “Kevlar” has a bit of that South of Heaven-period Slayer ambiance next to D.R.I. The band also pay tribute to Suicidal Tendencies by taking on “Subliminal”, the early favorite off their self-titled album of 1983 – perfect for Shawn’s Mike Muir-like moans next to the crossover shifts that kept this group relevant in the de...

Selected Singles – April/May 2024

...cement just yet, but “Butterfly” showcases that they are back and firing on all cylinders. That old school metal meets gothic meets new wave vibe that the band captured feels just as strong and fresh as it ever has, and it certainly helps that the song is just absurdly catchy. The chorus really personifies the music that Unto Others have been putting out since the beginning, and it bodes well for whatever else the group has coming down the pipelin...

Vicolo Inferno – Circles (Rockshots Records)

...the caliber of Layne Staley or Chris Cornell. Leaning more towards the commercial side of alternative, post-grunge hard rock/groove metal, Vicolo Inferno deliver a competent record for Circles – but won’t be something that really stands the test of time. Especially when you compare this effort to the greats during the 1990’s-2000’s in this style, it won’t measure up to the classics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C02NcNt2cCc Vicolo Inferno on Fa...

Idol Throne – A Clarion’s Call (Stormspell Records)

...g falsetto notes (“Covenant of the Immortal” a prime example) or you get a bit more of a marching/ battle call atmosphere to the musical movement which sweeps you away in the harmony-fueled title track. Those listeners who love mighty music that just makes you want to raise fists to the sky, tempered with that delicate infusion of tasteful, melodic elegance, rest assured there’s plenty of songs that fit those ideals to a tee. Tremendous rhythm sec...

Shrapnel – In Gravity (Candlelight Records)

...d around monstrous riffs of the Machine Head/Gojira-like category can quickly mutate into addictive melodic thrash or power parts – assuring the listeners a multi-layered appeal as they take in these tracks consistently. UK metalcore kings Bleed From Within vocalist Scott Kennedy delivers a key assist on the title track – but the most surprising song takes place near the back third of the record in the six-minute plus “Absolution”. A mysterious ba...

Unleash the Archers – Giving Your All

...to your music and put themselves in a position whatever is going on musically, lyrically, within the character or scenario that is going on within their lives. We try to do both, and it was especially difficult on this record because there is only one way to say the word computer, how do you tell the part where she is turning herself from code into the bot/ android without saying that? How do you veil that into this fantastical, escapist theme? It...

Hanabie. – May 17, 2024 – Toad’s Place, New Haven, CT

...fans to give their all in the pit and crowdsurfing, but do to so respectfully. And that’s exactly what happened throughout the band’s set. The pit rapidly expanded upon the band’s first notes, at Barber’s urging, and the vicious riffing and breakdowns that were perpetually delivered to the audience. It didn’t take long for the crowd surfing to begin either, quickly drawing some comparisons to Hanabie.’s last performance coming to mind as the middl...

Crownshift – Crownshift (Nuclear Blast)

...are gems, but others that seem to fall a little short, Crownshift sit firmly in the ‘has potential’ label. If they can shed more of the SYL/Townsend-isms and trade them for some of the more unique elements that they flirted with on Crownshift, next time around could pay some huge dividends. But currently, its more of a wait and see situation rather than a full-blown endorsement. But for those that enjoy any of the acts mentioned, it’s worth at le...

Belushi Speed Ball – Always Be Crushing

...ouisville that we can do this ourselves. We don’t need a promoter necessarily, or only hoping to be on opening slots for bigger touring bands. It’s another avenue, and it’s phenomenal. Being on the road, we see really strong communities in a lot of different cities. Detroit is very strong, in South Carolina, they are strongly connected. There are these tight knit, local strong scenes in a lot of cities. Dead Rhetoric: Naming yourselves after the l...