The first word that seems to come to mind with Marasmus’ sophomore effort, Conjuring Enormity, is that of intensity. And that’s saying something, because as a writer, you are constantly exposed to what the death metal world has to offer – and sometimes that feeling just isn’t there anymore. Be prepared – Conjuring Enormity will knock you back a few feet from the speakers when you hit play if you aren’t careful.
In all seriousness, Marasmus has the intensity thing completely down pat. Everything, from the churning of the guitar riffs to the decidedly visceral roars to the copious blast beats, is meant to be a giant gut-punch. There’s the menacing speed of Malevolent Creation, the modern no-frills attitude of The Kennedy Veil, and even some of the jarring and upfront brutality of Behemoth. It’s an interesting combination that will ensure you don’t get more than a moment’s notice to catch your breath. But there’s more! Despite the sometimes frenzied speed, there are some melodies weaved into the mix. “Infinite Torture” has an ominous melody that surrounds much of the track, and even rippers like “Mutilated Apparition” manage to sneak a few groovy and memorable riffs to keep you on your toes. It’s a real strength the band showcases with their approach to uncompromising speed laced with thick, groovy riffs.
Death metal fanatics looking for a speed rush will be more than satiated by Conjuring Enormity. Quite possibly the most enjoyable death metal adrenaline fix since The Kennedy Veil’s Trinity of Falsehood, with any sort of luck the band will get a few nods of approval with this one. Despite being one of the most overused reviewing terms in death metal, Marasmus is nothing less than crushing.