ReviewsGunjack – The Third Impact (Self-Released)

Gunjack – The Third Impact (Self-Released)

Always willing to expose our readers to the underground scene globally, we have the third full-length album from Italian heavy metal act Gunjack, appropriately titled The Third Impact. The trio started in 2017, aligning through a love of loud music, old school bands, and a crazy, alcohol-fueled attitude – and that’s what you’ll get on this diverse, fourteen track platter. Choosing to incorporate a modern feel in terms of specific musical tones and final production values could be a hit or miss proposition when it comes to overall approval – but it doesn’t diminish the heads down aggression and energetic thunder present.

The straightforward riffing and speed/heavy tempos resonate in that early to mid-80’s guard, where bands like Motörhead, Judas Priest, and early Iron Maiden gained acclaim. Expect tasty, fluid lead breaks as well where Gamma Mörser (real name Fabio Cavestro) can elevate the melody factor for “Twirling on Your Grave” and “Metal Influencer” – the latter gaining a swinging bass assist from vocalist Mr. Messerschmitt (Alessandro Dominizi). The mid-tempo jackhammer nature of drums and rhythmic vocals during “The Tournament” gives this cut an ominous, semi-tribal atmosphere, although the instrumental section provides killer contrast with speedy bends and distant, narrative/dialogue support.  The three-piece occasionally inject the basic structures with some adventurous musical interplay a la Iron Maiden which makes “Destroy the Seventh Seal” a standout, while the militant power pull during “Heart of Tank” between the vocal roar and double kick/snare action is the stuff that mandates movement from the listeners ready to rumble. The biggest struggle for Gunjack to rise in the ranks of appeal lies in the very basic, hoarse, and limited vocal range of Mr. Messerschmitt – as he certainly has a Lemmy-like rasp down pat, without really injecting some personal charm or variation to his patterns. These weak spots bring down the energy level of the music for “Nuke to Be Sure” and the six-minute plus closer “Lie of God”, which could be cause for concern now three records deep into their career.

Much like their last outing The Cult of Triblade from 2019, Gunjack takes on old school NWOBHM and early speed/thrash influences in their own traditional way through The Third Impact. One probably best served for those who love primitive songs that are a bit grimy, even if the production has more polish than most.

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