RandomnessExclusive Song Stream: Skin Drone's "Darkness Within"

Exclusive Song Stream: Skin Drone’s “Darkness Within”

Looking for an album that stays far away from the extreme metal norms? Look no further than web-based duo Skin Drone to fill your need to hear something expansive and completely genre-defying. Death metal? Industrial? Black metal? Avant-garde? It matters not for Skin Drone, who are happy to craft something that can jump from soothing to extreme with the snap of a finger. The band’s debut longplayer, Evocation, comes out next week (June 14) on Bluntface Records. In preparation for this, we present to you the album’s penultimate track, “Darkness Within.”

The song itself offers some restraint and is what one would call a slow-burner. Moving from soft, classical keyboards as some cold and industrial effects swirl around some lower spoken snarls. Things grow steadily from the 2-minute point onward, with a severe uptick near the 3-minute marker. Heavy riffs begin to overtake the darkened industrial feel as piercing screams wake you from any feelings of peace you may have attained. An intriguing and complex track. If you like what you hear, you can pre-order the album HERE or click on the Bandcamp widget below. You can also feast your ears on two additional tracks at the Bandcamp site should you want to check out more of what the band has to offer.

Skin Drone on Facebook