Search Results For: Какой год 2021 по восточному календарю больше в insta---batmanapollo

Frozen Soul – Glacial Domination (Century Media)

…uzz going, signing with Century Media for their debut album Crypt of Ice in 2021 – while garnering touring opportunities with The Black Dahlia Murder, Dying Fetus, Napalm Death, and Sanguisugabogg once the smoke cleared for touring to commence again. The follow-up Glacial Domination will definitely receive more dissection – especially as notable Trivium frontman Matt Heafy aided in the production / tutelage roles. Listeners can expect a catchy for…

Oryad – Artistic Authenticity

…of the band in terms of the performances, sound, and style compared to your 2021 Hymns of Exile & Decay EP release? Gotlin-Sheehan: We have been all over the place with this project. The two of us have been the only constant in this group for the past three years. We’ve had lineup changes, different people filtering in and out of this process. The writing for this album, Moira is pushing everything and she’s the engine behind things – I’m working…

Hasard – Malivore (I, Voidhanger Records)

…t, more specifically 2017’s Les Changes du Hasard, 2019’s Livre Second, and 2021’s Livre Troisième. Now we arrive at Hazard’s latest project, to which he dubbed simply as Hasard. Moving away from the purely classical nature of his discography, he went in a different direction with his latest Malivore, taking these symphonic influences to craft an orchestral style of precise black metal. We know what you’re thinking; symphonic black metal isn’t exa…

Screamin’ Demons – The New Era (Pure Steel Records)

…s who have been a part of the iconic Italian metal act Death SS. Founded in 2021 by bassist Andy Barrington, the sound of this act has a balance between the past and present – choosing to be powerful in using modern tones/production aspects while maintaining the melodic vocal/musical qualities that keep things in the pure metal landscape. Tagging their sound as ‘supermetal’, these ten tracks on The New Era encompass influences across European/Nort…

Roadwolf – Running with Lightning

…here do you see the major differences (if any) between this record and your 2021 debut Unchain the Wolf? Valentin: About songwriting. Some of the material for the songs, “Don’t Deliver Us From Evil”, “On the Run”, they are a couple of years old. We had the guitar riffs, the melodies, and the lyrics written for a long time, and finally had the chance to record them. “Midnight Lightning” for example, is a song that we were jamming in the rehearsal r…

ScreaMachine – Church of the Scream (Frontiers Music)

…groups like Kaledon, Stormlord, and Lunarsea – quickly making their mark in 2021 via a self-titled debut album. Latest guitarist Edoardo Taddei appeared on last year’s Borderline EP, which included reworked material in different forms, a new song, as well as a Judas Priest cover for “Leather Rebel”. Now back for a third consecutive year with another record, the second full-length Church of the Scream proves this quintet balance classic / power met…

Finality – Overcoming Control

…ny did all of his vocals in his home studio, he sent them over to me within 2021. From there, we just brought a bass player Mike in, he was learning and recording at the same time. We all hammered out the solos with John, got him to track those. Then it was back into my hands to record my parts, and the mixing/mastering process. I had some mental breakdowns, with the pandemic, with life, I got divorced. It overwhelmed me, and there were months of…

Savage Existence – Absorb the Blows to the Head

…Existence is the self-titled second record from the group, the follow-up to 2021’s Animals. How would you assess the differences in terms of performances, songwriting, or anything else from the debut that you applied to this latest effort? Cleland: Well, the debut was written a lot less intentionally. It was natural and instinctual, it came out just because Jesse and I were getting back into music, we had resurrected some the music we had written…

GWAR – November 14, 2015 – The Palladium, Worcester, MA

…ewtube (“Black and Huge”), Fistbook (“I’m in Love (With a Dead Dog)”), and Insta(g)ram (“Captain Crunch,” which featured a large rock of crack being tossed about the stage between GWAR and the slaves before a giant syringe made an appearance). As the band was celebrating 30 years of torment and domination, the setlist spanned their discography, including old favorites such as “Vlad the Impaler,” “Meat Sandwich,” and “Saddam a Go-Go,” with its upbe…