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Heathen – Hypnotize the Empire

...ears, or even five years, I think you have to come back with something really, really strong. Unfortunately, I buy a lot of music, I still buy CD’s, and I see a lot of the classic bands putting out stuff that’s not up to the level of quality I would expect from them. I did not want people to see the band in that way – I wanted to come out with something as high quality as possible. Dead Rhetoric: There seemed to be a conscious effort to keep the s...

Judicator – …And There Was Nothing

...lyricist and a storyteller I really wanted to implement this idea. I’m really into film analysis and I wanted to take our eight songs we had for this album and arrange the story in such a way that the album matches the template for an eight-act story structure. They are long songs, so as far as the lyrics and story goes there is plenty of breathing room. It hits all those settings, even something like the first culmination is present in Let There...

Destruction – Agony and Ecstasy

...thirties. Dead Rhetoric: Born to Thrash (Live in Germany) was not necessarily a fully planned release – but a welcome surprise due to the shutdown of live concerts worldwide for the coronavirus pandemic. Tell us how you went through the process of deciding this would be the ideal show to release to the consumers – and how the show was at the Party San Festival overall? Schmier: When the lockdown came in Germany I was away on holiday, on an island....

Paradise Lost – Solidity and Grace

...sort of runs with it – and he definitely did that with “Fall from Grace”. Lyrically it’s about the cracks showing and seeing that perhaps you aren’t what you once were, it’s about a literal fall from grace and we sort of ran with that slightly in the video. We wanted it to look like a mini-movie, so the song is a soundtrack to the video, and treat it like a film for five or six minutes, and the music is sort of like part of the film. That is how...

Smackbound – Melodic, Energetic, and Emotional

...that I didn’t get kicked out from my own band [laughs]! I was scared for a bit, but happily we got along [laughs]. Dead Rhetoric: Given that the band came together five years ago, was it tough to coordinate schedules to get a recording in? Laurenne: It was! The first year, we mainly just did the cover gigs and checking out how we worked together. It was about a year of gigs and touring before we started songwriting. It was especially difficult wit...

Winterfylleth – The Essence of Atmosphere

...pe. We are optimistic, but we will see. We have some videos coming out, and the new album. There will be a lot of interesting stuff coming out surrounding that. We may have to wait up to a year to tour for this album. Hopefully May 2021, the world will have returned to some sense of normality and we can tour around. For now, we are taking it like everybody and taking it for what it is and trying to make the best of it. Winterfylleth on Facebook...

Darker Half – Out of the Shadows

...he albums have been very honest, but I think this album is an honest album lyrically. Vo: When you are a teenager and starting to write songs, you try to capture something that you most likely haven’t experienced yet. What you think of what you’ve experienced, and a lot of this was isolation, coming back and the experiences of the wide world. Dom: That’s a really good point about age. A lot of albums… the early thrash albums were written by teenag...

Illumishade – Eclyptic: Wake of Shadows (Self-Released)

...e on their first go-round. The way the tracks are tied together is thoroughly impressive, and they really add something to the music to give it a breath of life all to itself. Eclyptic: Wake of Shadows is an album that is best taken in as a whole. Something worth setting aside 42 minutes of your time and fully investing in. There are some beautiful tracks here, but really focusing in on the music and letting it take you on a trip brings it to an e...

Check Out This Harp Cover Of IRON MAIDEN’s “Dance Of Death”

...again with their rendition of “Dance Of Death” on electric harps. The lovely ladies add: “Listen with headphones for fuller range of sound. Available in full HD (1080) – button under bottom right corner of the video.” The Harp Twins are best known for their duet arrangements of contemporary songs from artists including Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Metallica, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Guns N’ Roses, Journey and Blue Öyster C...