ReviewsSilvera – World Behind Doors (Mighty Music)

Silvera – World Behind Doors (Mighty Music)

From the country Denmark that contains standout acts like Volbeat and D-A-D over the years, it shouldn’t be surprising that a newer generation of artists aim to make their mark through a creative blend of older to modern influences. Welcome to the world of Silvera, a four-piece outfit who released their debut album on Mighty Music in the fall of 2020 with Edge of the World, bidding the pandemic lockdown before playing some shows and working on more material for the follow-up. World Behind Doors contains numerous trademarks that align well with the modern hard rock scene, while also incorporating diverse elements that could be appreciated by a more metal-leaning, heavier audience.

A churning power chord sensibility matches seamlessly next to the vibrant vocal delivery of guitarist Michael Krogh – his compatriot axe man Simon Krabbesmark providing the additional counterpoint or twin crush components to lift tracks such as “Utopian” and “Same As Before” to similar heights that align to followers into Alter Bridge, Nickelback, or Shinedown. Flashier drumming courtesy of Martin Nielsen slams home low-tuned grooves, where the elevation of a chorus can create a memorable payoff as “Death of Me” illustrates most. Classic bluesy / clean passages allow Michael to execute a bit more of a Volbeat-ish lower range during the power ballad “Gone Too Far”, the additional expressive vocals from Guernica Mancini (The Gems, ex-Thundermother) captivating. Producer Jacob Hansen gives the band a thick, vibrant sound, also encouraging the band to flesh out specific songs with more harsh vocal implements to broaden the fanbase into more metallic landscapes, as well as dig deeper into darker, circular riffs with some more meat on the bones. “D.I.D.” has that great seesaw nature between a very catchy chorus next to some crunchy riffs that rival the work of Evergrey or Mercenary.

Rolling out the adequate number of rockers to varied ballads, Silvera possesses all the tools to be an arena-level act based on this sophomore album World Behind Doors. The sophistication, passion, and proper songwriting construction are all there – now it’s a question of bringing their sound to a wider array of people through as many shows, tours, or festivals as they can muster. Another Scandinavian act to watch in the months (or years) to come.

Silvera on Facebook

8.5 / 10