Good ole meat & potatoes death metal. If that’s what you are into, then Creeping Fear’s latest release is sure to satisfy. They doubled down on the meat & potatoes portion to give it plenty of heaviness, and tossed in a few veggies on the side to whet the appetite without ruining the dish. Revolutionary no, but it’s a solid plate of extremity done right.
Creeping Fear hits right in the sweet spot with a timeless (read: owing no particular direction a nod) death metal feel that is all about providing songs that are energetic and heavy. The little extra that is sprinkled in to the feast is that of some light black metal buzzing at times when the band picks up some speed (see the title track). The abrasive sound fits them to a tee, with the rest of the formula seeing the band accelerate into hyperspeeds and frantic riffs, and then backing into more intense grooves that have a real bite to them. “Hate Crush Consume” being a real standout here, it’s nothing if not intense and really in your face in the best of ways, augmented by a groovy riff that hits superbly hard and urgently. Expansive solos are also a part of the sound, providing some needed melodies to oppose the bludgeoning heaviness. While the formula does repeat a bit, the just-right length of the album keeps it from being bogged down too much.
Creeping Fear operate at peak capacity with their frantic version death metal on Hategod Triumph. You may have heard similar sounding acts in the genre, but there’s nothing wrong with an act that can throttle the aggressive energy to the forefront while keeping it from feeling too one-dimensional.