When I was in high school, about all I listened to was Megadeth, Judas Priest, Slayer and Iron Maiden. I played Iron Maiden so much back then that it has been a couple of years since I have played one of their albums all the way through… that is until recently. I had the opportunity to see them perform for the first time and have been on a Maiden kick ever since. I still can’t decide which album is my favorite. Of the Di Anno years, it is definitely Killers. Out of the years with Bruce, I can only pick favorite songs. Picking a favorite album would be impossible for me.
Thrash is by far my favorite sub-genre of metal. I (of course) listen to the Big Four, and some of the other semi well-known bands like Flotsam and Jetsam, Forbidden, Testament, and Vio-lence. I also am quick to check out unknown bands and add them to my collection if the meet my expectations.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Pyracanda (from Germany; pictured) lately. Pyracanda’s first album Two Sides of a Coin is by far their best with an album cover that would have been sure to give me nightmares as a kid, if only I could have had a copy back then. That album is straight in-your- face thrash metal with well thought out riffs and solos. Favorite songs on this album would be Democratic Terror and Crab Louse City. The vocals are reminiscent of the singer from Powermad, melodic while still maintaining the aggression the riffs call for. A highly recommended band to add to your catalog, if you can find them.
Eugenic Death’s latest album Crimes Against Humanity was released in 2012 via Heaven and Hell Records. For more information on the band, visit their Facebook page.