ReviewsGrave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum Gods (Profound Lore)

Grave Miasma – Odori Sepulcrorum Gods (Profound Lore)

Originally conceived under the too-awesome-to-not-type banner of Goat Molestor, London-based vintage death doomsters Grave Miasma already have the badge of credibility going for them. Since they adopted their current moniker, the band has hit the European festival circuit, and even found some time to visit our fair country for a west coast jaunt. It’s true that the death metal scene takes care of itself, especially bands that evoke sounds of Incantation’s fabled early 90’s days, which is exactly what Grave Miasma does on Odori Sepulcrorum Gods.

This is death metal with atmosphere, but without keyboards and outside instrumentation. Thus, the production sets up the chilly air, while echoes and reverb on the guitars bring things right back to where death metal of this style started. With that keepsake in mind, the songs on Odori Sepulcrorum Gods take on the slow and lurching (“Ascension Eye”), up-tempo (“Ovation to a Thousand Lost Reveries”) and dingy, near black metal peddle on the title track. This balance and use of variance is what gives the album an occult feel – not a black metal-styled occult feel – but one nonetheless. Evil and chilling, perhaps.

Have to dig the sense of purpose of Odori Sepulcrorum Gods has going; it’s quite retro, but the way in which the riffs turn over and flourish, and how the atmosphere comes from simplicity is what makes Grave Miasma an exciting prospect in the over-crowded death metal scene.

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