RandomnessSong Premiere: Aurora Borealis' "Phlegethon"

Song Premiere: Aurora Borealis’ “Phlegethon”

We at Dead Rhetoric are pleased to share a new track from the upcoming Aurora Borealis album, Apokalupsis, which releases on May 15 on CD and digital, with a vinyl release on June 15, all through Casus Belli Musica and Beverina. The track in question, “Phlegethon,” can be found below, and if you like what you hear, pre-orders are available HERE. You can also check out some more songs through the Bandcamp widget below.

As for the song itself, it plays to the strengths of the veteran black/death metal act. All of the frantic, energetic speed that you can handle (blast beats and all) with plenty of scathing aggression still left wholly intact. Fiery leadwork and assaulting riffs pepper the track’s opening and the band finds their way into a blistering groove as the song continues along. But what really holds it together are the melodies that begin to pop up and add some needed color to the landscape. Aurora Borealis are nothing if not frenetic, but you’ll find this track to be pleasantly hummable as it continues along – the sign of a band that can establish control even in what appears to be a reckless setting.

The band’s vocalist, Ron Vento, says about the album: “Apokalupsis is a concept album in which we venture through the beginning of all creation until the inevitable apocalyptic war. Its primary focus brings to light alien existence and their purpose among humans. The album describes what they are, where they came from and how they manipulated mankind. It also elaborates on those victimized by abduction and why it occurs. Apokalupsis commences with God casting rebellious angels out of heaven. Unlike traditional stories, God sends them through space to stars created to keep them captive. One star for every fallen angel, countless stars for countless demons. At the heart of every star, there is a demon trying to break free and find its way to God’s greatest creation, mankind. In consequence, those that escape create massive solar flares and star quakes. By manipulating space time through wormholes, their search for human life begins. Some never escape and after billions of years collapse with the stars, forever forsaken in eternal solitude. Those who reach earth begin their deceit. Throughout history they have taken on many forms with the intent of building a foundation of deception; beginning with Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. In modern time they disguise themselves as aliens, guiding the lives of great rulers (from pharaohs, to kings and presidents,) with the intent of destruction. In time they reveal what they are and inspire Armageddon. Apokalupsis, once withdrawn, now visible to all.”

The layout and design were created by Mike Hrubovcak (www.visualdarkness.com) well known for his works for SIX FEET UNDER, AVULSED, SINISTER, GRAVE and others.

Pre-order at Casus Belli Musica
Pre-order at Beverina
Aurora Borealis on Bandcamp
Aurora Borealis official website