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Nemophila – Evolve (Masterworks)

...ompelling core. Something that the justly named Evolve capitalizes on greatly. Really and truly, diversity is the name of Nemophila’s music, and it’s on full display here. There are some absolutely frantic tracks and pull you in with visceral fury and aggression, some that tow a more mid-tempo and branch into their own subset of categories, and even some ballad-y material to gracefully expand their boundaries. To dive into the hard and heavy first...

Hiraes – Dormant (Napalm)

...rds much of any poppier elements the genre began to embrace towards the early/mid-2000s. Really, it’s one of the strongest cuts this scribe has found in quite some time, and definitely deserved it’s showcase as a single. The album does some occasional shifts in tone after this, which aids in giving it a more dynamic feel. “Undercurrent” ushers in some melodic moments and melancholy to the mix (and even a few brief clean vocals), and later cut “Oce...

Dissimulator – A Lower Form of Resistance

...ioned to more contemporary, heavy stuff towards late elementary school, early high school. Usually the typical story of friends showing you bands – back in the day nu-metal was huge, I got into System of a Down, and that quickly escalated into Metallica, six months later I was listening to Cannibal Corpse. Dead Rhetoric: Was guitar the first instrument you discovered? Leduc: No, it was the bass. And it wasn’t a question of I wanted to play guitar,...

Domination Campaign – Launching the Storm of Steel

...d Domination Campaign? Where do you think you’ve changed the most (personally or professionally) when it comes to your approach or output from either act? Peppiatt: I think professionally I’ve grown a lot in the way that I’ve got a lot of experience in the industry, so I know how to get shit done and I know how I want things to sound and I’m definitely more confident in my ability as a songwriter and performer. Dead Rhetoric: What are your thought...

Not Secured, Loose Ends – Ouroarboros (codomomental inc)

...that go all the way back to 2015 within the Japanese alt idol scene. In early 2021, yurushirezutsurezure disbanded but the group was resurrected in fall 2023 with only Mei Yui Mei remaining from the previous line-up along with three new members. This first resurrected outing in Ouroarboros is an interesting one, taking old songs and giving them not only English lyrics but entirely reworking them. The songs are still recognizable, but this far from...

Alluvial – Death is But a Door (Nuclear Blast)

...ents around him usher in an almost dreamy landscape at times (albeit a darkly dreamy feeling), which really closes the EP in the best possible way – a little bit of a breather so that you can jump right back into the fray once more. Alluvial continue to prove they should be considered among death metal’s upper echelon. Death is But a Door is short but oh so sweet in delivering plenty of bludgeoning riffs, visceral blasts, and a potent dose of atmo...

Hyloxalus – Stare Into the Black Hole

...running with it for now). Dead Rhetoric: Where did you want to come across lyrically for this effort? Do you place an equal amount of importance on shaping the melodies/lyrics in a certain way to match or mirror the musical atmosphere present track by track? Bell: Most of the melodies/lyrics were written in this kind of assembly-line fashion AKA melody first, lyrics second. There was some variability but mostly that’s how it came together. A littl...

Everdawn – Seek the Silver Lining

...e a bit of culture shock and adjustment that had to be made? Zaks: Absolutely. Simply because I didn’t speak the language. When I moved here, I was seventeen. I didn’t study English at school, I studied German. It wasn’t really helping me. Even when I tried to apply some of my German knowledge, it was nonexistent. I had to learn English from scratch. I could start communicating after a year, maybe even longer. It was one of the biggest challenges...

Hitten – Making Passion Last

...e music to use as a form of tension relief and a collective recharge mentally/physically? Panza: Band chemistry is very important. There are a lot of bands out there that are professionals, made by musicians, they just play together, and they have to get along, but they don’t hang out together. It depends on the journey you want to make. Especially for a band that writes original music, it’s very important to stay well together and enjoy the proce...