Togenashi Togeari (トゲナシトゲアリ) has gotten some considerable coverage here due to the complexity that they have in their particular brand of rock. This scribe came upon them back in 2023 with their first singles “Nameless Name” and “No Rhyme Nor Reason,” because of the distinctive 3d animations for their first single and a compelling need to check out more anime-based bands. After a steady stream of singles that year, leading into 2024, the group had a strong collection of tracks before the anime Girls Band Cry even started in April 2024. To the point that released a full album, which gathered the singles together in one collection (Togeari). All of this background goes into this 1st One Man Live (the equivalent of a solo headlining performance), as it was done on March 16, 2024 at 1000 Club in Yokohama. A month before the anime began airing.
So in that regard, this 1st One Man Live: Prelude to Twilight was meant to do two things. First, it provided an intimate showcase (a 1000 person venue) to fans who had checked out the group prior to the anime’s release and give them a shot to get some more growing buzz. It also provided some first listens and a preview of the anime itself. As you view the live show, after “Hurtful and Painful,” there’s a sizeable portion of the show where the five members of Togenashi Togeari introduce themselves, both in a video portion with the character their voice and an introduction for themselves live in the venue. There’s several portions where they will stop playing and you can see short preview portions of video (with one time the group is amusingly ducking off to the side while it plays). It was also the first time that anime OP “Wrong World” and ED “I’m Nobody” would have been played live. So this would have been a major treat to anyone following the group to get this sort of scoop one month in advance. Hearing the crowd reaction after the encore to watching the first few minutes of Episode 1 of Girls Band Cry, through the OP, was a fun experience to hear the “ooooohs” and “ahhhhhhhhhhs” as real-world locations popped up and the vividly animated opening sequence flowed across the screen.
But that’s enough about the set up, let’s talk about the live performances themselves. TogeToge essentially plays all of their available songs up to that point. All the previous singles get a shot to shine, and the band itself is impressive to watch. Consider that Togenashi Togeari was formed from a talent search back in 2021 by Toei Entertainment to form a girls rock band, and no experience was required to apply. There was little live experience prior to this gig, though you’d never know it by watching. The five members hit all of the notes, and do so with plenty of energy. There’s a large amount of stage presence, which you can check out in the video for “Bleeding Hearts” below, and see how Shuri’s basswork is just as ear-grabbing live as it is on disc, and Mirei hits the drumkit with passionate force. Yuri’s guitar work also stands out, and the interactions between her and Shuri are fun to watch. There’s a certain energy that the whole band casts, particularly on the more uptempo songs like the punk-ish “Underneath,” the driving anime OP “Wrong World,” and the proggy yet bouncy “Answer to Extreme.”
Then, of course, there’s vocalist Rina. Considering her unique and masterful vocal delivery, it could be make or break live, but she nails her lines. As the frontwoman, you can see she’s working on her crowd interactions and effectively banters with them between tracks, and there’s something compelling about her passionate delivery, with “I’m Nobody” acting as a standout in that regard, as it also does for Natsu’s graceful keyboard playing. “Nameless Name” allows her a few moments to belt out lyrics with no instrumental backing, and it’s chilling in the best way. To level one small gripe, some of the more technical guitar melodies on “Ideal Paradox” are clearly being played through the backing tracks, which was a bit disappointing. But given the backstory on the group, it’s impressive that it’s the only noticeable time it happens, and other cuts, like the frenetic “Underneath” and “Answer to Extreme” are done in pristine condition. So hopefully over time, those backing tracks for that song will be fully executed live. As for the quality of the video itself, there’s frequent cuts to the members and the crowd but it’s never jarring and keeps the energy as high as the music that’s playing on the screen. The sound is crisp, and let’s you hear all of the members, which is a keen quality as their recordings mirror that same ideal.
For international fans who are unable to catch Togenashi Togeari live, Prelude to Twilight provides a stellar watch. It’s further proof that this group has somehow captured something truly special, not even in just the anime space, but rock as a whole. The lighting, the sound, and the production of this makes for a perfect watch for fans, or to show to someone else to get them into the growing act. TogeToge deserves a wider audience than just the anime-adjacent spectrum, and hopefully they continue to grab a bigger international foothold. They are going to be performing in the US for the first time at Anime Expo this summer after all.
1. Na mo naki nani mo kamo (Nameless Name)
2. Itsuwari no ri (No Rhyme Nor Reason)
3. Kizutsuki kizutsuke itakutetsurai (Hurtful and Painful)
4. Risō-teki paradox to wa (Ideal Paradox)
5. Reimei wo ugatsu (Piercing the Dawn of Time)
6. Sayonara sayonara sayonara (Underneath)
7. Kiutsu, hakudakusu (White Drizzle in Gloom)
8. Gokushiteki gokusaishoku answer (Answer to Extreme)
9. Unmei ni kaketai ronri (Lonely Fate to Be Destined)
10. Zattō, bokura no machi (Wrong World)
11. Hazete saku (Bleeding Hearts)
12. Dare ni mo narenai watashi dakara (I’m Nobody)<Encore>
13. Na mo naki nani mo kamo (Nameless Name reprise)<Encore>
Togenashi Togeari official website
Togenashi Togeari on X
Togenashi Togeari on Instagram