ReviewsSiege Perilous – Creation’s Call (Self-Released)

Siege Perilous – Creation’s Call (Self-Released)

The intersection of fantasy, role-playing, and heavy metal has been active since the beginning of this genre. A symbiotic relationship that promotes strength, unity, hope through even the testiest of times. Denver-based power metal outfit Siege Perilous lives in that community through their material – issuing in 2022 a debut EP Betrayal of the Dracolich followed by a series of singles the following year to set the stage for this latest five-song EP Creation’s Call. Also containing two teachers in the ranks (vocalist Shaughnessy McDaniel using his history degree to incorporate some content for the band), it’s evident that the band use fantasy warrior stage gear to accentuate the themes within their style.

Upon initial exposure most listeners will be savvy to the group’s obvious European influences that filter into these musicians American framework – the guitar work especially very melodic in nature, with riffs that are majestic next to lead breaks that follow cultural themes. Bassist Eric Fisher pulls out epic, marching bottom end lines to “Across the Rubicon” – the arrangement transitioning between a more Manowar-ish tempo into something a bit more Sabaton-like, the solo section revels in early Iron Maiden spirits. Between unison power riffs, tradeoffs, and supplementary harmony aspects, guitarists Scott Hancock and Cody Martinez will garner plenty of accolades – the progressive twists within “Brothers of the Five” triumphant as drummer Mark Girard lays down some solid main groove components while elevating his double kick power in those faster moments as necessary. A difference maker for most will be Shaughnessy’s lower, semi-baritone range – comparisons to Sabaton and Wind Rose sure to be made right out of the gate with his bard-like, throaty rasp on opener “Oathsworn”. Choosing to keep the songs focused in a tight three to five-minute window allows the stories to unfold quickly, wasting no time in any department.

This scribe guesses that Siege Perilous named themselves after the third studio album from Kamelot (a personal favorite of mine) and seems to be on the right track through Creation’s Call to develop a solid power metal style that should satiate any LARP-attendees or Dungeons and Dragons mavens. Keep an eye on this quintet – wield thy sword as they lead the battle charge for more quality power metal from the states.

Siege Perilous on Facebook

8 / 10