ReviewsNek! - EXCLAMAT!ON (Self-Released)

Nek! – EXCLAMAT!ON (Self-Released)

Surfacing recently late last year and seeming to spread like rapid fire with some early singles, Nek! quickly seems poised to be the next ‘big group’ to come out from the Japanese quadrant. With bright, vibrant colors surrounding them, ear-popping catchiness, and just enough of a hard edge to turn some ears. EXCLAMAT!ON is their first EP, which includes their recent singles as well as a few extra cuts. An all around solid introduction to an act that seems guaranteed to be making more waves within the scene sooner than later.

Starting off with “Maze,” the first thing that stands out is that of Kanade’s bass playing. Groovy, upfront in the mix, and just as playful in the band’s sound as Natsu’s swirling guitar melodies. The track also provides the space for diving into Cocoro’s drums at the same time, even if Hika’s vocals demonstrate a very strong hook in and of themselves. Fun is the major takeaway to the danceable yet grooving sound, and it’s something that continues to permeate the short but sweet 5 song tracklist. “令現少女” opens with some darker grooves, making for a notable contrast to the more upbeat chorus the song leans into – again with a large focus on Kanade’s delightful bass work. “Endlessgame” ups the punk quotient of the EP, with a driving tempo pushing the band forward with urgency while still delivering big on the catchy aspects. Shifting back downwards for the more melodic and sweet “Blink,” it gives Hika her big showcase to jump to the front with her powerful but serene singing. Rounding things out is the more intense “Get Over,” where Cocoro gets to show off her most intense drumming, while the guitar and bass display a dizzying mix of deep hooks and fervent playing, closing the EP out with a spectacular finish.

Having already caught some buzz on YouTube earlier this year, Nek! seem almost destined to thrust their way up the scene and establish a major foothold. There’s nothing holding them back either – with big, catchy hooks alongside some intricate musicianship, Nek! are more than deserving of their quick rise to prominence. EXCLAMAT!ON is a declaration of intent for raucous rock fun.

Nek! on X
Nek! on Instagram
