ReviewsHolycide – Towards Idiocracy (Xtreem Music)

Holycide – Towards Idiocracy (Xtreem Music)

Everyone knows what a death metal nut I am. But when I first got started in the realm of heavy music, it was thrash metal that piqued my interest, all day, every day. Come on, I grew up with the Big Four of Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax. Those riffs, combined with vicious vocals made for one helluva sonic journey.

So here we are with Holycide from Spain, and their new record Towards Idiocracy. There is thrash, and there is THRASH! You don’t believe me, check out “Power Corrupts”. This tune will give you a bloody lip and a black eye before you’ve finished your Count Choculas! Next up is “Technophobia”, my absolute favorite track on this disc. Meanwhile the title track is one that should make all the heads bang. “Remote Control” has arguably the best riff on the album, and all heads are gonna bang! So, what’s next? Uhhhh…”Pleased to Be Deceived”, which should rip your nose off, pal! Then “Flamethrower ‘Em All” which closes the record in fine fashion.

At the end of the day this is a great thrash album and ‘Towards Idiocracy ‘ is one everybody should love. Holycide as a group understand how to execute the main principles within the thrash genre in a flawless manner – making this a mandatory record for all who know and love this sub-genre.

Standout Tracks: “Technophobia”, “Power Corrupts”, “Towards Idiocracy ”

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9 / 10