ReviewsGungire - Incitement (Self-Released)

Gungire – Incitement (Self-Released)

Still continuing to fire on all cylinders after releasing two EPs back towards the end of 2023, ‘Japan’s angriest band’ Gungire is back for another 5-song EP in 2024. The same combination of groovy, riff-forward guitarwork and clean/harsh vocals continue to push the band forward, and the overall sound with Incitement feels like they have kept at polishing the extreme edges of the band in order to create something that sounds sharper and more rewarding.

The title track jumps right in with grooves blazing, with a rumbling slurry merging with Nana’s vocals providing something that should really gel with fans of Jinjer as she switches to clean vocals while the grooves continue to pound around her. The slower tempo makes the whole thing just seem towering at times, allowing for some great build-up and switches between the moments of melody and bruising, while providing a bit of atmosphere to round things out. “Eternal Hunger” pushes the tempo forward, letting the band’s aggressive tendencies come to the forefront with full intensity, only easing off the pedal for a solid chorus that mellows things out, even if only momentarily. “While I’m Alive” marks a tonal shift for Gungire, with a more upbeat and melodic side of the band to bubble to the surface until a brief segment in the middle things back into more intense riffing and growls. It’s more experimental in sound and feels like a nice centerpiece for the EP. The final two songs of the EP continues to bring out what Gungire does best, bringing the rolling grooves and aggression to the forefront, with just the right amount of melody to keep it catchy.

Gungire continue to be a productive force within the more extreme side of the Japanese metal scene. They have a firm grasp on how to merge the elements that work for them and find ways to move outside of the box in unexpected ways. Incitement should satisfy anyone looking for something on the more aggressive side of the modern metal divide yet still long for some great melodies to go with it.

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