ReviewsEdouarth – Stray Beat (Sleaszy Rider Records)

Edouarth – Stray Beat (Sleaszy Rider Records)

A power trio outfit from Greece, Edouarth optimizes the unique, special bond of heavy metal across multiple generations. Bassist/vocalist James Edouarth already has a steady presence in the scene through his work in Spider Kickers – this time around pulling together a traditional, UK-styled heavy metal act with his sons Peter on guitar and George on the drums. What also will increase the visibility of the group is the fact that Peter is 10 and George is 12 – making this debut release Stray Beat at least a curious offering. You’ll get six original tracks beyond the closing Saint Vitus cover “Dying Inside”, an array of straightforward anthems which musically go for simple, effect riffs, steady, reliable drumming, and easy on the ear verse/chorus parts that achieve expected heights in flying the flag for the classic style.

A spacey vibe permeates “Beyond Astral Void”, Peter careful choosing harmony-laden licks against some swirling winds and eerie narration which then gives chase to “Born in a UFO”. Those who love the epic march riffs against supportive rhythm section underpinning will find this track a headbangers delight, in the tradition of early Manowar and Eternal Champion before the pace picks up as the chanted chorus and Maiden-esque guitar lines take shape. From there an Accept-oriented “Drinks Conquer All” appears, James using his hoarse, Grave Digger-ish melodies to add charm to the rhythm guitar swagger present as well as a reflective instrumental sequence that changes the mood into more NWOBHM-like magic. On the down side, you can also hear specific elements when it comes to fills or repetitive verse/chorus aspects that illustrate the obvious inexperience in George and Peter that hopefully will erase themselves with more seasoning under their belts. The title track and “Show Me the Way” are two samples of where a little bit more musicianship knowledge put into practice could smooth out those bumps in the road.

This scribe debates the validity of Stray Beat being a full-length effort with 7 tracks at just over 20 minutes, but that’s how the label (and band) chooses to classify this record, so be it. In the end, the potential to be another acceptable newcomer in the heavy metal brigade is there for Edouarth, as long as the three-piece really put solid ideas into commendable tracks on future outings.

Edouarth on Facebook

6.5 / 10