ReviewsDecipher - Arcane Paths to Resurrection (Transcending Obscurity)

Decipher – Arcane Paths to Resurrection (Transcending Obscurity)

To those who prefer their metal of the sometimes corpse painted blackened persuasion, there has been no shortage of majestic tunes in the last decade or so. While the good stuff comes from all corners of the world, there’s no denying that Greece is at the forefront when it comes to the upper crust of black metal. From the incredibly creative forces that are Aenaon and Hail Spirit Noir, to long time stalwarts such as Varathron, Embrace of Thorns, and Burial Hordes, to lesser known (but no less incredible) talents like Virus of Koch, Agos, Katavasia, etc. We could go on, but the point is obvious – Greek black metal is a varied tapestry of sublime quality. From that breeds plenty of expectation for new projects hailing from this geographical location, which steers us to the blackened death amalgamation that is Decipher.

Having released an EP Of Fire and Brimstone in 2019 that whetted the appetite, 2023 provides Decipher’s first LP in Arcane Paths to Resurrection. Comparatively, one can hear the ferocity of Bolzer, the classic black metal elements of Varathron, and the grit of Grave Miasma, all glued together with Gaerea’s attention to detail. Decipher also embraces the splendor of riffs bigger than Aegean Sea, exemplified immediately in the scorcher that is “Chants of the Unholy.” Thick buzzsaw guitars and nimble leads combine to stampede the listener, earnestly topped off by vocalist Mick Leventellis’ weighty growl. Decipher thankfully doesn’t embrace the thin and treble-dominated sound that leaves lesser acts wanting, instead opting for an imposing wall of sound that shakes your speakers like a lumbering Titan. The mid-paced and meticulous “Lost in Obscurity” and “Penance” are fine examples of said sonic density, both propelled by fierce galloping riffs and marked death metal fervor.

Entries such as “Enslaved to Be” allude to the aforementioned Varathron in terms of smoothly shifting cadences and vocal arrangements, whereas “Sanctum Regnum” is fashioned by chilling leads and melodic nuances, all balanced by a vicious rhythm guitar tone. Moreover, the star of the record is doubtlessly “Altar of the Void.” This monstrosity is a nearly nine minute yarn that truly incorporates helpings of everything; from groovy charging riffage, to a drum clinic via Nodas Chatzopoulos’ forceful kit obliteration. Even a slight hint of death/doom bits gives a different flavor that enhances the palette. To quote Barney Gumble – just hook it to my veins!

Notably, black metal can perplexingly be ruined by a thin, feeble production that removes a much needed caustic power. Decipher puts forth the polar opposite, and it serves Arcane Paths to Resurrection well. Every note erupts with fiery rage, all while maintaining a dynamism that isn’t always common with music of this ilk. The result is a mammoth production and mix, containing all of the required elements to fully flesh out what the band aim to portray. The artwork by Artem Grigoryev – who has made stellar pieces for Pyre, Sinmara, and Cloak – is equally befitting of their commanding aura.

If conceiving black metal with the intention of pounding everything in its path into finite dust is Decipher’s modus operandi, then mission accomplished. Arcane Paths to Resurrection is confounding savagery graced with grandeur, all in a carefully crafted package that is unmissable. Not since Gaerea’s earth shaking first LP Unsettling Whispers (ironically, also released by Transcending Obscurity) has this writer heard a black metal debut this mature right out of the gate. If this 36 minutes of audio ruination is a sign of anything, Decipher is going to be making a tidal wave of noise for a long time.

9 / 10