Bursting upon the scene through their 2023 debut album The Conquest of Time, Swedish duo Century have a lot to live up to in their conventional heavy metal ways. Sign of the Storm as the follow-up features ten more energetic offerings that shine in classic glory – ideally putting forth the hooks, steel-eyed melodies, catchy riffs, and majestic vocals that we’ve all come to know and love about this genre. Staffan Tengnér and Leo Ekström Sollenmo as musicians cover all the bass, drums, guitars and vocals at high quality output levels – while also keeping the tones and production aspects self-contained as to deliver these tracks with the same might and spirit as their European/American brethren from those original days.
Opener “Sacrifice” starts things off with a bang – the first riff and drum rolls set to stun before the circular runs and pounding bass/drums captivate the aural landscape, Staffan’s mysterious vocal melodies mirror the fiery guitar lines. Wasting no time with superfluous parts to extend songs beyond necessary means, the occasional high pitch scream or US/NWOBHM-inspired lead break takes material like “Necromancer” or “No Time For Tomorrow” into that next level status, the feel of power/speed metal implicit in the intensity for the latter cut especially. Classical acoustic touches as well as a soothing, almost gothic-like voicing pushes the start of “The Chains of Hell” into a Manowar/Heavy Load direction once the electric instrumentation appears, the marching atmosphere at the forefront especially in terms of the rhythm section foundation.
Emphasis on the ideal riffs that just set your ears ablaze are paramount to the Century game plan. It’s hard to not be swept away by the mini-gallops next to fleet guitar runs that pop up throughout the title track – the shrieking, cultural textures, and calmer transition alluring to set up the next dynamic passage. On the second half of the record a bit of an adventurous tact comes up on “Possessed By the Night” – a steady double kick emphasis next to an uplifting riff attack reminds this scribe of those 1982-1985 US metal days where power, speed, and thrash collided into a traditional metal style that’s hard not to do neck damage long-term. The record closes on an exciting instrumental note for “Sorceress” – the layers of guitars and progressive rhythm section work a distant relative of what you may have heard from Iron Maiden when they released “Transylvania” or “Losfer Words”.
Century is one of those bands that understand the parameters of this style, execute their parts brilliantly, and get to the next song without the need for bombast or excess. Sign of the Storm keeps the excellence flowing, setting the stage for a fruitful, prosperous discography that any traditional metal follower needs in their collection.