ReviewsCategory 7 – Category 7 (Metal Blade Records)

Category 7 – Category 7 (Metal Blade Records)

Anytime the term “supergroup” is bandied about I’m always in the grip of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, we can get a formula for greatness. On the other hand, it can be a recipe for disaster. So let’s look at the latest group of heavy hitters, yeah? Starting with vocalist extraordinaire John Bush (Armored Saint), y’all know you’re in for a good time. The axe attack is handled by none other than Phil Demmel (ex-Violence and Machine Head) and Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob). And if that wasn’t tasty enough, the rhythm section is Jack Gibson (Exodus) on bass and Jason Bittner (Overkill, Shadows Fall) on the drums.

Any questions? Didn’t think so. This self-titled debut comes out swingin’ with a 1-2-3 punch of “In Stitches”, “Land I Used to Love’, and “Apple of Discord.” That last one features not only the best guitar solos on the disc, but it’s been my runaway favorite from day one. Along the way we get some real gems like “Runaway Truck” and “Mousetrap” (my other favorite!) that really show that this isn’t just a vanity project. These guys really seem to enjoy playing together. And that feeling really carries across these ten tunes.

I’m pretty sure that most metal fans will be very happy upon pressing play. Whether these guys can put a tour together remains to be seen. But hell, I’d love to see it! Category 7 has delivered an exciting debut record that should wake people up to take notice across the entire metal landscape.

Standout Tracks: “Mousetrap”, “Apple of Discord”, “Through Pink Eyes”

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8.5 / 10