ReviewsAlleviate - DMNS (Arising Empire)

Alleviate – DMNS (Arising Empire)

A new group within the metalcore umbrella that’s comprised of members from five different bands should be enough to perk the ears of anyone who’s aware of the goings-on of the genre. But in case it doesn’t, Alleviate’s main weapon is their ability to bounce between extremity with the smoothest of transitions. Much of the current metalcore scene tends to focus on either going melodic or going heavy. Alleviate gets a leg up on the competition by managing to pull off moving between a serene, uplifting chorus and then bludgeoning the listener with an almost deathcore ferocity, and being able to pull off everything in between. To paraphrase, DMNS is a familiar yet fresh approach within the genre and Alleviate is a most-exciting prospect to keep your eyes on.

DMNS is at its best when it gracefully ping-pongs between two massive extremes. The opening, title track wastes no time in showcasing the harsher side of the band. Frantic riffing and feral screams (and guttural lows) from Marius operate like a steamroller, yet when Timo (Our Mirage) grabs the microphone for a soaring clean vocal chorus, it never feels off or cheap. His incredibly catchy and melodic vocals seem the perfect contrast from the vicious energy that proceeded it. Of course, much of this is due to the instrumentation that surrounds the two vocalists. Rumbling riffs and playful grooves lean into some elegant melodies, and when that built-up breakdown comes, you’ll be ready for it. Thunderous drumming surrounds the mix, adding yet more power to the overall product.

Alleviate refuses to stick to the standard formatting, offering some more melodic and heavy tracks to avoid monotony as the album leaps forward. “Better” ups the progressive quotient, with earworming melodies dancing about in the distance behind the djenty grooves, chugging away with the monstrous growls until the sky breaks open and delivers an ethereal chorus that thrills with its hooks. “Forevermore” is a straight-up bludgeoner of a track, with walls of guitar riffs crashing down to the point of an eruptive breakdown that will certainly rumble a few chests in the live setting. “Die for Me” carries the grooves forward but gives more attention to the beautiful sounding chorus that slows down the pummeling with ease and stands tall as one of the more striking ones on the release. Lastly, “Try to Survive” emphasizes a bit more melody throughout, giving Timo more of the limelight, also utilizing more progressive djent melodies in the background to the hook-based rocker that never forgets it can still flex its muscles at any given moment.

Alleviate might be a new name, but it’s clear that they already have much to offer the modern music scene. They can flex some incredibly heavy muscles at times, yet can stop on a dime and provide some completely beautiful ear candy when the moment calls for it. Underneath the hooks sit more progressive structures for those who wish to seek them out, while others might just enjoy the heavy/melodic contrasts. Add to that a strong, positive lyrical take and you’ve got a very strong combination of ideas. Whatever your angle, DMNS is an album that modern metal fans are going to naturally gravitate to and one of the stronger albums you’ll hear in the genre this year.

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