ReviewsSable Hills - Odyssey (Arising Empire)

Sable Hills – Odyssey (Arising Empire)

When it comes to metalcore, many of the dyed-in-the-wool types gripe about the lack of guitarwork and emphasis on vocals above anything else in the genre. It wasn’t always that way in terms of the sound, and Japanese act Sable Hills does their best to bring things back further towards the melodic death metal side of the divide with their third album, Odyssey. An album that is nothing if not furious, all but tickling the ears with guitar melodies in addition to some vocal ones.

If not for the more modern production and occasional dabbling into breakdown territory, it wouldn’t be hard to sell Sable Hills as a group that’s pretty invested in more traditional melodic death metal waters. After a brief introduction in “The Eye,” the title track gives some very Gothenburg-styled guitar melodies that hook your ears and it does a great job of enticing one to listen for more. Rolling into heavy, metalcore-influenced grooves as the track continues with some layering of urgent melodies. The whole track elevates with some clean vocals without coming off as ‘yet another modern act’ due to it’s strong instrumental side, which continues to shine even as the vocals fight for the spotlight. Groovy tracks like “Misfortune” and “Battle Cry” follow, yet even as the mid-tempo riffs roll out there’s a very strong emphasis on playful melodies that fully intend to stick with you after the song ends.

It’s a super uplifting side to things, even when contrasted against the band swinging into some of their most modern territory in “Anthem.” Arguably, things get into their most experimental towards the end of the album with the interlude “Forever” and closing “Tokyo.” Here the band tries to incorporate more traditional Japanese elements into their music, which gives it an even more unique flavor, particularly “Tokyo,” which comes across as more of a frantic, bruising track yet gets tempered by the use of the koto in addition to the always present guitar heroics. It’s a nice change of pace that one would hope to hear more of in the future.

Anyone who is in the mood for some modern metal that still keeps a heavy emphasis on Gothenburg-styled guitar melodies and massive hooks should keep their ear to the ground for Sable Hills. Odyssey is a powerhouse of older melodeath fusion with an eye towards the more modern era. Something that should give them a wide birth for fans of both styles to latch onto.

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