A petulant, restless 20-minute slab of brutal death metal, Dehuman Reign’s debut Destructive Intent EP/mini-CD rages like a young Suffocation, as if they were in a hurry to go to lunch and wanted to leave out some riffs. That sort of in-and-out intensity. Then you factor in the short song lengths and it’s like, “These guys are punk, right?” Eh, not really. They’re not grind either; just a German DM band with apparently, little time to waste.
Save for the two “Invocation” numbers (Part I and II), there’s loads of Americanized roughage going around, and with technical prowess to boot. Found in cuts like “Extinction Machine” and “Staring Beyond the Edge of Time” are full-frontal Florida; maybe some pings of Behemoth and mid-90s Vader thrown in. And something we’ve implored bands who have released albums with short run-times: Why not do it more often? Our attention span is short; so is everyone else’s, and stretching out a death metal album to double the length of Destructive Intent wouldn’t be the wisest of moves. Stand pat, gents.