NewsMarch 2014 Album of the Month: Morbus Chron's Sweven

March 2014 Album of the Month: Morbus Chron’s Sweven

An album enjoying all sorts of fuzzy, exalted praise, Sweven, the sophomore outing from Swedish psychedelic death metallers Morbus Chron, is our March 2014 Album of the Month. In an interview we conducted with vocalist Robert Andersson, the word “authentic” was tossed around frequently, something that seems to be the over-arching element when it comes to Morbus Chron. Authentic Swedish death metal in 2014? You don’t say!

An excerpt from Daniel Keating’s 9.5/10 review, which posted March 4, 2014:

Singer and guitarist Robert Andersson’s bestial, hellish vocals are used in such a measured way here, never only for the sake of having vocals. With lots of expanses of mind altering, nearly psychedelic musical swaths, there is apt time to let the music do the talking, so to speak, and his vocal delivery is icing on the cake.

With nary an ounce of filler, Sweven teems with captivating riffs and has every part feeling like an integral part of a puzzle. In each song, one will find a “god damn, that’s great!” moment, and in each case these parts are fully supported by top-notch song structure, surrounding. This is one of the best albums of the year, and probably one of the best death metal albums of the decade. Special stuff, indeed.

To read the entire review, click here.